Hair Loss Treatment, Natural hair fall solution

Posted on 11:25 AM by Unknown

hair fall solution
Hair care is something everyone can afford. This does not mean spending a lot of money, it means caring for your hair everyday. In ancient times, women who have long healthy hair is more attractive to the opposite sex, because it means their children's hair can be warm and when cold. Now, it is not so important, but this stereotype has been stored in the subconscious of people for our time.

Natural hair care is one part and parcel of beauty treatments. Hair care is appropriate and adequate is important to maintain the quality of hair growth.

Combing before going to the bathroom so that the knots described best deleted. This saves time when bathing as a string aligned.

Lifestyle and eating patterns determine the beauty of hair. Mineral and vitamin deficiencies affect the quality of hair and get harassed by thinning, premature graying, dandruff and other problems. Avoid using very hot water or cold when washing hair. Rinse hair with lemon juice mixed in warm water to provide necessary and luminous shine.

Avoid tying the hair tightly in the back and rubber bands cause damage to the hair should be completely avoided. Eating vegetables, fruits, dark green and orange fruits that are good for hair growth. Tomatoes, cereals and green vegetables should be taken with a regular diet as offering enough vitamins. Furthermore, grains and wheat offers the desired minerals such as zinc, copper and iron.

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