Make Natural Hair Spray

Posted on 12:39 PM by Unknown

Natural Hair Spray
The function of hair spray is to hold the hair style. Hair spray is available in the market have chemicals in it, you can create own hair spray with natural ingredients, bahanyang you need is 1 Lemon or orange, 2 cups water and 1 ounce of rubbing alcohol. Cut the lemon (or orange for dry hair). Place in a saucepan with water and simmer until the remaining half. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Keep refrigerated To make a tropical mist for your hair, you need 2 tablespoons of coconut milk and 6 tablespoons of water you need a spraybottle Put both ingredients together and shake.

Sugar-Oil hair spray-required to make this hair spray are 1-tablespoon sugar, one cup of pure hot water, one tablespoon vodka (optional), and three to five drops of oil. In a saucepan add the sugar and water. Boil water and make sure that the sugar dissolves in water. Add oil and vodka. Save the liquid in a cool and dry.

With build an sendir your hair spray, to get a natural treatment for your hair health.

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